Many times we hold ourselves back from our dreams because we are scared of failure, we talk ourselves down… we aren’t smart enough, people won’t like our work, we don’t feel ready enough. It’s been a long time coming, but the time is finally here… I am introducing my new cooking workshops. Learn how to cook healthier meals that are still delicious, along with tips on how to make cooking quicker and easier.
My Self Deprecation: I am allowing my fear to deteriorate my potential! With all the social media outlets these days, it’s next to impossible not to compare yourself to others. If only I could have a diluted self-confidence to go for exactly what I want. The more I compare, the more inadequate I feel. But if they can do it, I can do it too, right!!
It’s hard to take risks in life. I used to be afraid of failure because failure is all too often portrayed as a bad thing. Therefore, taking risks wasn’t an option for me. Looking back on certain parts of my life there is no telling what I missed out on because I was too afraid to try something new or because I easily gave up when something was outside of my comfort zone.
Starting The Well Dressed Kitchen is one of the scariest things I have ever done. To put my recipes, photography, and thoughts out there for the whole world to see and criticize wasn’t an easy task for me, to say the least.
Some of the fears running through my head:
“I am not an expert, people probably already know what I have to share”
“Why would people want to learn from me?”
“Why would people trust what I have to say?”
“I look and sound stupid on camera”

It was my thoughts that needed to change.
If I fail or people don’t like what I put out there… I can always get right back up and try again. It was then I started to shift my thoughts and believe that facing diversity head on was an opportunity to learn and be a better, stronger person. Once I was more aware of my own limiting beliefs, I started to move through them and focus on the positive… that people will learn from me, I will influence people to eat better, and I will help people live a healthier lifestyle… I felt more confident to step outside of my comfort zone and go for it. And now there is no more sitting back down. My fear is now my motivation.
This is the Deal:
I am not a professional chef and I don’t even claim to be a spectacular cook… in reality, I’m not. I’m just a busy, working dog mom who loves to cook (when I have the time). Granted, I am constantly learning and getting better! While, I consider myself a decent cook, I have always been really good at throwing together simple meals that are healthy and delicious and I love sharing my tips and tricks.
I am also not trying to achieve perfection in the kitchen. If I were it would really defeat the purpose. Whether you stumbled across my blog because you are completely new in the kitchen or you want to add a few new healthy recipes to your collection of meals, my hope is you are inspired beyond my love of food and photography to discover a healthier lifestyle of your own.
So what does all of this mean and what exactly will my healthy cooking workshops offer:
- I will host cooking workshops led by me where I will teach a new recipe, techniques, and tricks to help you get a healthy meal on the table.
- Post videos and short cooking demonstrations on my Instagram @thewelldressedkitchen
- Use Pampered Chef products among many of my favorite products to help people learn how to use tools to get quicker meals on the table, and make cooking, overall, easier and more enjoyable.
- The sky is the limit – I am excited for us to learn together and continue to evolve.
From the beginning of the launch of The Well Dressed Kitchen my mission was to inspire you to make healthier decisions in the kitchen and appreciate nutritious food can be delicious. While pictures can be inspirational, I know my message will reach so many more people if you have the chance to either in person or virtually cook In The Well Dressed Kitchen.